Ricotta Cheese Cannelloni
Serves 1 person"Remember, it is far more difficult to carry that extra weight, to feel heavy and tired, to avoid looking in the mirror and to face health problems, than to follow a weight loss programme" - Marion Mizzi
Ricotta Cheese Cannelloni from "A Weight Loss Guide" 181 page
400g cherry tomatoes - halved
1 tablespoon thyme
Salt & ground fresh pepper
2 garlic cloves - crushed
100 g ricotta
300 g spinach - boiled and drained
400 g tomato pulp - canned
4 cannelloni
Fry Light low-calorie cooking spray
Preheat the oven to 180C/365F/Gas4.
Start by cooking the garlic on a low heat in some Fry Light low-calorie cooking spray, add the thyme, and season well with sale and pepper.
Add the tomato pulp and cook for a further 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a separate bowl place the ricotta, add the boiled spinach and mix well with a fork.
Fill the cannelloni with the ricotta and spinach mixture (leave extra mixture aside).
Place the cannelloni in the oven dish and pour the prepared tomato sauce over them. Add the extra ricotta and spinach mixture evenly over the top and place some cherry tomatoes.
Transfer to the oven and bake for 25 minutes, or until cooked through.
To serve, place the cannelloni onto a plate and serve with one of your preferred side dishes from this book.
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