Emotions that turn into muscle tension.
6th March 2019 - by Marion Mizzi WellBeing
Are you someone who bottles emotions? If so you may be dealing with a lot more muscle tension than you should be. Repressed or trapped emotions are far more dangerous than most people realize. You see, these repressed emotions block energy and leave us suffering. While we may forget about the things we have trapped inside, our bodies cannot. If you are experiencing chronic tension in common places like your shoulders, back, or even your neck you need to read this.
Types Of Muscle Tension That May Be Caused By Bottling Your Emotions:
Upper Back Tension
You are holding onto something very sad, this sadness has built up to the point where you are feeling it physically. Perhaps you need to let go of past heartbreaks or things of the sort? Did you refuse to allow those feelings to ride out as they should have?
Shoulder Tension
The shoulder is often associated with responsibilities and with good reason. The more weight you add on without acknowledging that you need help the worse this tension is going to get. You have to be able to ask for help when you need it, pretending everything is fine when it isn’t is not helping things at all.
Lower Back Tension
The lower back is where our insecurities grow. Have people been making fun of you? Do you hate something about yourself? These are things we all face, you shouldn’t be ignoring them but rather working through them. Accept yourself and everything will begin feeling better.
Neck Tension
Neck tension is basically you refusing to deal with the stress at hand. It is building up and you are not releasing it as you should be. When this happens a lot of problems occur. Do you wake up with serious neckaches on the daily?
Middle Back Tension
If you are feeling tension here you are most likely refusing to deal with a guilty conscience. Have you done something wrong? Is there something you need to own up to? We all make mistakes in life, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven in time.
Head Tension
Tension in your head stems from fear. What are you afraid of? Is something bothering you that you aren’t even aware of?
How to relieve it?
Number one medicine for muscle tension is without any doubt a massage therapy.
Massage therapy is one of the best-known alternative remedies for relieving muscle tension. Massage addresses the muscle tissue directly and can assist the muscle in releasing its contraction, thus easing muscle tension. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) reports that massage can help release contracted muscles and lengthen tight ones.
There are many types of massage to choose from.
Choose a massage therapy according to where you feel the most tension.
Upper Back, Lower Back & Middle Back Tension:
- Spine Care Treatment At first a variety of massage movements are used to relieve accumulated tension and restore joint movement. Subsequently, traditional healing leaves are used to tackle joint pain, muscle cramps, stress and arthritis followed by a medicated oil treatment. This treatment will make you feel like a new person.
- Deep Tissue Massage is a technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue, aiming to release chronic tension in the body.
- Ancient Thai Massage Using passive stretching and gentle pressure along the body’s energy lines to increase flexibility and relieve muscle and joint tension. This massage is both deeply relaxing and energising.
- Swedish Full Body Massage This massage is recommended for clients seeking a stimulating, relaxing and de-stressing full body massage. By performing the strokes toward the heart, Swedish massage drains metabolic waste from the limbs of the body.
Head, Neck & Shoulder Tension:
Indian Head Massage Through a variety of different techniques, the massage works to release any blocked negative energy in the body that may be manifesting itself as disease or injury in any one of the seven Chakras (energy centres) of the body.
Swedish Back Neck and Shoulder Massage A traditional massage therapy to suit individual needs. This highly popular massage treatment works to release muscular tension and alleviate mental fatigue and stress.
Aromatic Face and Scalp Massage This massage works specifically on the face, neck and scalp; areas where stress and tension are likely to accumulate.
Marion Mizzi Wellbeing professional massage therapists are always happy to advise you the best massage therapy taking into account your needs.

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